

2022-06-15 来源:知库网



词汇 同义词 释义
compelling persuasive 激发兴趣的
compensate for make up for 补充,弥补
compile edit 编辑
component part 部分
compound add to 增加
comprise consist 组成
conceivable imaginable 可想象的
conducive to favorable to 有利于…的
conduct carry out 实施
configuration arrangement 配置
confine restrict to 界限
conform to match 符合;遵照
congestion crowd 拥挤
congregate gather 聚集
consensus agreement 一致
consistent harmonious 协调的
conspicuous obvious 显而易见的
constant continued 不变的;恒定的
constitute compose 组成,构成
constraint limit 限制   
construct built 建造
consult ask 咨询
contemporary at that time 当代的
contract into participate 参加
contradictory conflicting 矛盾的,冲突的
controversy debate 争论
conventional standard 常见的,惯例的
conversely in contrast 相反
correspond to match 符合于…
counter combat 战斗
counterpart equivalent  等价物
couple with combined with 与…相结合,伴随
courteous polite 有礼貌的;谦恭的
critical probative 检验的
culminate end 结束
cultivate encourage the growth of 促进(艺术、科学等)的发展

