hold的经典引文是:The hold was generally firm when the fissures were not filled with ice.出自:L. Stephen。hold的词语用法是v.(动词)hold的基本意思是“保持某一位置或状态”,指因个人心愿或被迫滞留或耽误不放。引申可指“托住,支持”“掌握权力,担任职务”“容纳,包含有”“正式举行〔办〕”“拥有财产,占据,守住”“持…见解,怀有激情”“认为,相信”“抑制,保留”“遵守诺言”等 。hold的读音是英[həʊld];美[hoʊld]。
v.(动词)- 拿着,抓住,夹住,固定住,托住,支撑
- (使)保持(特定状态或姿势等)
- 表现
- 使遵守,使受...的制约
- 抑制,止住,约束,控制
- 留下,保留,扣留,拘留
- 推迟,延迟,移后投递
- 容纳,装得下,包含,准备着,贮藏着
- 举行,主持,召集,进行,庆祝
- 拥有,持有,握着,获得,被授有,保持
- 怀有(见解、感情、信仰等)
- 认为,想,相信,记住
- 掌握(权力等),担任
- 维持,满足...的需要
- 继续前进
- 有效,适用
- 携有违禁毒品,有毒品出售
- 延长(音符或休止)
- 使用(侮慢的语言等)
- 使(自己)打起精神
- 使对准,把...对准
- 【律】裁定,用契约约束,依法占有
- 顶住,支持
n.(名词)- 拿,握,控制,约束,掌握,控制力,把握力
- 【体】擒拿法
- 使手攀(或脚踏)的东西,(供把握的)把,柄,支撑物,固定物
- 盛物的东西,容器
- 中断,暂停,延迟,中断通知,保留通知
- 栖身处,躲避处,隐匿处
- 监牢,监禁,关押
- 【音】延长记号
v.(动词)- vt. 拿,抱,握住 have a thing in one's hands; have and keep fast in or with the hands or some other part of the body
- vt. 包含; 容纳 contain; have a capacity of
- vt. & vi. 举行,进行 have; cause to take place; make sth happen
- vt. & vi. 保持,持续 remain unchanged; last
- vt. 认为,相信 believe
n.(名词)- [U]握住,抓住 having sth in the hands
- [S]控制,掌握 power or control of sb/sth
Noun:- the act of grasping;
"he released his clasp on my arm"
"he has a strong grip for an old man"
"she kept a firm hold on the railing"
- understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something;
"he has a good grasp of accounting practices"
- power by which something or someone is affected or dominated;
"he has a hold over them"
- time during which some action is awaited;
"instant replay caused too long a delay"
"he ordered a hold in the action"
- a state of being confined (usually for a short time);
"his detention was politically motivated"
"the prisoner is on hold"
"he is in the custody of police"
- a stronghold
- a cell in a jail or prison
- the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it;
"he grabbed the hammer by the handle"
"it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"
- the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
Verb:- keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,
"keep clean"
"hold in place"
"She always held herself as a lady"
"The students keep me on my toes"
- have or hold in one's hands or grip;
"Hold this bowl for a moment, please"
"A crazy idea took hold of him"
- organize or be responsible for;
"hold a reception"
"have, throw, or make a party"
"give a course"
- have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense;
"She has $1,000 in the bank"
"He has got two beautiful daughters"
"She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
- keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view;
"take for granted"
"view as important"
"hold these truths to be self-evident"
"I hold him personally responsible"
- maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings);
"bear a grudge"
"entertain interesting notions"
"harbor a resentment"
- to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement;
"This holds the local until the express passengers change trains"
"About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade"
"The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"
"The terrorists held the journalists for ransom"
- secure and keep for possible future use or application;
"The landlord retained the security deposit"
"I reserve the right to disagree"
- have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices;
"She bears the title of Duchess"
"He held the governorship for almost a decade"
- be the physical support of; carry the weight of;
"The beam holds up the roof"
"He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"
"What's holding that mirror?"
- contain or hold; have within;
"The jar carries wine"
"The canteen holds fresh water"
"This can contains water"
- have room for; hold without crowding;
"This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"
"The theater admits 300 people"
"The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people"
- remain in a certain state, position, or condition;
"The weather held"
"They held on the road and kept marching"
- support or hold in a certain manner;
"She holds her head high"
"He carried himself upright"
- be valid, applicable, or true;
"This theory still holds"
- assert or affirm;
"Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good"
- have as a major characteristic;
"The novel holds many surprises"
"The book holds in store much valuable advise"
- be capable of holding or containing;
"This box won't take all the items"
"The flask holds one gallon"
- arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance;
"reserve me a seat on a flight"
"The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"
"please hold a table at Maxim's"
- protect against a challenge or attack;
"Hold that position behind the trees!"
"Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
- bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted;
"He's held by a contract"
"I'll hold you by your promise"
- hold the attention of;
"The soprano held the audience"
"This story held our interest"
"She can hold an audience spellbound"
- remain committed to;
"I hold to these ideas"
- resist or confront with resistance;
"The politician defied public opinion"
"The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear"
"The bridge held"
- be pertinent or relevant or applicable;
"The same laws apply to you!"
"This theory holds for all irrational numbers"
"The same rules go for everyone"
- stop dealing with;
"hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting"
- lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits;
"moderate your alcohol intake"
"hold your tongue"
"hold your temper"
"control your anger"
- keep from departing;
"Hold the taxi"
"Hold the horse"
- take and maintain control over, often by violent means;
"The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week"
- cause to stop;
"Halt the engines"
"Arrest the progress"
"halt the presses"
- cover as for protection against noise or smell;
"She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate"
"hold one's nose"
- drink alcohol without showing ill effects;
"He can hold his liquor"
"he had drunk more than he could carry"
- aim, point, or direct;
"Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames"
- declare to be;
"She was declared incompetent"
"judge held that the defendant was innocent"
- be in accord; be in agreement;
"We agreed on the terms of the settlement"
"I can't agree with you!"
"I hold with those who say life is sacred"
"Both philosophers concord on this point"
- keep from exhaling or expelling;
"hold your breath"
I want you to stand beside me and hold the torch.
He has been trying hard to hold his temper.
The new football stadium can hold eighty thousand people.
I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hands.
They hold different views on this matter.
I fear that this fine weather won't hold much longer.
Executive power is held by the president.
We hold that all nations should be equal.
We held a party to celebrate our success.
His hold on her arm tightened.
Their forces had consolidated their hold on the area.
You have to get a good hold of this idea.
When you are climbing, you need to find a good hold to prevent you from falling.
There was an aeroplane hold again due to the heavy fog.
He has a tremendous hold over his younger brother.
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- hold a baby in one's arms怀抱孩子
- hold a banquet举行宴会
- hold a belief相信
- hold a book in one's hands手中拿着一本书
- hold a box together把箱子钉牢
- hold a celebration举行庆祝会
- hold a ceremony举行仪式
- hold a chair抓住椅子
- hold a cigarette between the lips叼着一根香烟
- hold a consultation磋商,协商
- hold a conviction坚信
- hold a council of war开军事会议
- hold a court开庭
- hold a dance举行舞会
- hold a debate举行辩论
- hold a demonstration举行示威游行
- hold a discussion展开讨论
- hold a general election举行大选
- hold a hammer in the hand手拿锤子
- hold a high opinion对某人有好感
- hold a meeting举行会议
- hold a military base拥有军事基地
- hold a military manoeuvre举行军事演习
- hold a military parade举行阅兵
- hold a parcel提着包
- hold a pen拿着钢笔
- hold a pipe between the teeth嘴里衔着烟斗
- hold a platform by pillars用柱子支撑平台
- hold a rally举行群众集会
- hold a referendum举行公民投票
- hold a rein握住缰绳
- hold a strange view有奇妙的见解
- hold a test tube握住试管
- hold a wedding ceremony举行婚礼仪式
- hold all one's clothes装下所有的衣服
- hold an argument on some question就某问题进行辩论
- hold an examination举行考试
- hold an exhibition举办展览
- hold an important office担任一重要职务
- hold an opinion of one's own坚持自己的意见
- hold attention吸引某人的注意力
- hold captive拘捕
- hold copy读原稿,作校对助手
- hold counsel进行商量,听取意见
- hold court主持法庭会议,举止高贵
- hold each other's hands互相握手
- hold electric torch拿着电筒
- hold everything停止,等一下
- hold fire忍着不表态
- hold games举办运动会
- hold ground坚守阵地,一步不退
- hold intercourse with a person与人交往
- hold land拥有土地
- hold many people容纳很多人
- hold milk装有牛奶
- hold much property拥有许多资产
- hold one's emotions控制某人的感情
- hold one's hand(s)握住某人的手,谨慎,留余地
- hold one's hands at one's side两手扶腰
- hold one's head high趾高气扬,骄傲
- hold one's nose用手掩鼻,保持沉默
- hold one's peace保持沉默,不开口
- hold one's seat保留座位
- hold one's temper忍住怒气
- hold one's tongue保持沉默
- hold position担任职务
- hold power掌权
- hold right保持权力
- hold salt装盐,含有盐
- hold sb's attention吸引某人注意
- hold sb's talk制止某人讲话
- hold shares拥有股份
- hold silence保持安静
- hold the attention of the audience吸引住听众
- hold the bag受害
- hold the bridge支撑着这座桥
- hold the cards in one's hands稳操胜券,握有成功的手段
- hold the child by the hand手领着孩子
- hold the city占领该城
- hold the first position占第一位
- hold the flowers拿着花
- hold the fort固守堡垒,毫不示弱
- hold the job拥有这份工作
- hold the line别挂断电话
- hold the office of chairman担任主席职务
- hold the place of adviser担任顾问的职务
- hold the price increase to a minimum把价格的上涨控制在最低限度
- hold the rein掌权,执政,支配
- hold the sheep by the horns抓住羊角
- hold the stage继续活跃在舞台上
- hold the title of model worker享有劳动模范的称号
- hold the weight of sb/sth支撑某人或某物的重量
- hold water不漏水,论点站得住脚
~+形容词~+副词- hold aloof不接近,不参与
- hold fast紧紧抓住
- hold automatically自动控制
- hold cheaply虚伪地认为
- hold concurrently兼任某职
- hold conscientiously真心实意地认为
- hold deferentially谦逊地认为
- hold desperately拼命地抓住
- hold dexterously敏捷,灵巧地抓住
- hold diplomatically举行外交仪式
- hold disdainfully认为不屑一顾
- hold firmly紧紧抓住
- hold gingerly兢兢业业地供职
- hold hungrily渴望持有
- hold inviolably不可侵犯地拥有
- hold jealously戒备地控制住,妒忌地认为
- hold obstinately顽强地控制
- hold permanently持久拥有
- hold personally个人以为
- hold proudly自豪地认为
- hold securely安全可靠地固定住
- hold staunchly坚定地相信
- hold stoutly断然地制止,坚决地继续进行
- hold strictly严格遵守
- hold strongly强烈地认为
- hold stubbornly顽固地认为
- hold tenderly温和地托着,慎重地决定
- hold tentatively暂时地控制住
- hold tremulously颤抖地握着
- hold universally普遍认为
- hold back犹豫,阻止,积攒,储蓄,隐瞒,忍住
- hold back some important information隐瞒一些重要消息
- hold back ten dollars扣下10美元钱
- hold back the wheel of history阻止历史车轮前进
- hold forth提供,提出
- hold forth hopes of recovery有复原的希望
- hold forth the possibility提供…的可能性
- hold down使降低,使保持低水平,使不提高,控制或压制(某人),保持(职位等)
- hold down a good job保有一个很好的职位
- hold down food prices不让食品涨价
- hold down one's eyes垂下目光
- hold down one's head in shame羞愧地低下头
- hold down people镇压人民
- hold down student intake减少招生人数
- hold down the city's population减少城市人口
- hold down the enemy's reinforcements牵制敌人的援军
- hold off(使)保持一段距离,(使)推迟
- hold off the invaders抵挡入侵者
- hold on继续抓住某物,系住,固定住,继续,持续,等候
- hold on a correspondence与…保持联系
- hold on one's way不顾干扰地继续前进
- hold out伸(手),伸手(拿或放),坚持要求,坚持到底,隐瞒,拖延答复
- hold out a bad example举出一个坏的例子
- hold out a promise作出许诺
- hold out against经受得住,顶住
- hold out one's hand伸出手来
- hold out the worker's pay扣发工人的工资
- hold out till victory坚持到胜利
- hold out unlimited prospects前途无量
- hold power over有支配…的权力
- hold together使团结在一起
- hold up举起,展示,托住,支持住,使停滞,耽搁,拦路抢劫,列举出(榜样),授人以(笑柄),(理论等)经得住(检验)
- hold up a large blue banner举着一面蓝色大旗
- hold up one's hand举起某人的手,投降
- hold up one's head抬起头,打起精神
- hold up the bank抢劫银行
- hold up the roof支撑屋顶
- hold up the work停工
~+副词+介词~+介词- hold against the enemy反抗敌人
- hold demonstration against sb举行游行示威反对某人
- hold strike against举行罢工反对
- hold as扣押作…
- hold at arm's length冷漠对人
- hold by坚持,忠于
- hold by one's principles遵循自己的原则
- hold in约束,克制
- hold in abhorrence厌恶,痛恨
- hold in balance使不稳定,悬而未决
- hold in derision嘲笑某人
- hold in esteem尊重,尊敬
- hold in estimation尊重某人
- hold in honour尊重,尊敬
- hold in memory记住
- hold in one's temper克制自己的脾气
- hold in place使…保持固定位置
- hold in play使劳动,使有事做
- hold in pledge抵押
- hold in position使…位置固定
- hold in regard尊重,尊敬
- hold in respect尊重,尊敬
- hold in trust保管
- hold onto紧紧抓住,抓牢,坚持,不改变,忠于
- hold onto one's plan不放弃自己的计划
- hold out against the enemy抵抗敌人
- hold over以…要挟,威胁
- hold it over sb以此要挟某人
- hold to坚持,信守
- hold to a promise遵守诺言
- hold to derision嘲笑某人
- hold to ransom绑某人的票
- hold a candle to the devil助纣为虐,为虎作伥
- hold under control控制
- hold with赞成,同意,和…持同一意见
- hold with excessive drinking赞成酗酒
- hold one's sides with laughter捧腹大笑
用作名词 (n.)
A:Don’t you think it might be a good idea tohold the party outside?
B:I don’t think so.
A:How about going to a concert?
B:That suits me fine.
A:Room service. May I help you?
B:Yes. I wonder if you can send up some of boiling water for me.
A:Certainly.Hold on, please.
B:What room are you in, sir?
A:This is Mr. Wu in Room 405.
B:Very well, sir. You'll have them as soon as possible.
A:Clark's Theater.
B:I hear that you have a Italy Symphony Orchestra concert on the 15th evening.And I wonder if there are some balcony seats still available.
A:I'm sorry, all the balcony seats are gone.
B:All right. Pleasehold two orchestra seats for us.
A:OK.Can I have your name, please?
B:My last name is Chen. C-H-E-N.
v.(动词)- hold, have, have got, occupy, own
- 这组词(组)的共同意思是“有”“拥有”“具有”。其区别是:
- 1.have既可指有生命物及无生命物之间的所属关系,也可指部分与整体的关系,或指精神上、身体上的特点; have got与have意义相同,但在口语中比have用得广泛; own则指具有在法律上的所有权,即使不在身边的东西,只要拥有法律上的所有权,就应用own; hold语气较强,有占据、控制、抓住〔保持〕住某物的意思; 而occupy则指占有空间、时间或占领、占据某地,或拥有某种职务或地位等。例如:
- I didn't have the books that she asked for.我没有她所要的书。
- Your books have got all over the place.你的书到处都是。
- They don't hold the power to hire or fire at will.他们没有雇用或随意解雇的权力。
- Enemy troops occupied the country.敌军占领了这个国家。
- 2.have是普通用语,在这几个词中概念最广,运用最广泛。own的主语只能是人。例如:
- These enterprises are owned by him.这些企业是属于他的。
- hold, contain
- 这两个词都有“容纳”的意思。其区别在于:contain指实际所包含的部分,而hold强调能包含的能力。例如:
- The bookcase contains fifty volumes but holds a hundred.这书柜装有50册书,但它能装下100册。
- A bookshelf held 100 books perhaps only contains 50 ones.一个可容纳100本书的书架可能只装50本书。
- hold, keep
- 这两个词都有“保存,保持”的意思,其区别在于:keep“保存”或“保持”的时间较长,而hold“保存”或“保持”的时间较短。
- hold, open
- 这两个词的词义相近,但并不相同。hold指“举行”会议、会谈、比赛等; 而open则指为大楼等举行揭幕典礼或宣布会议、运动会等开幕。例如:
- They decided to hold a meeting next Tuesday.他们决定下星期二举行一次会议。
- The exhibition will open the day after tomorrow.展览会将在后天开幕。
- hold, catch, grasp, grip
- 这组词的共同意思是“掌握”。其区别是:
- hold含义最广,指抓牢或掌握具体或抽象的事物; grip指全力紧抓事物; grasp常指对抽象理论、原理的领悟或理解; catch指拼命抓牢不放,唯恐其滑掉或丢失,比其他三个词更强调控制。例如:
- Hold the reins tight.把缰绳抓紧。
- I threw the ball, and the dog caught it in his mouth.我把球抛出,狗用嘴接住了球。
- I think I grasped the main points of the speech.我想我已经领会了演说的要点。
- She gripped my hand in fear.她因害怕而紧握住我的手。
- hold up, uphold
- 这两个词(组)的共同意思是“支持”“承受”,指支撑重量时两者可换用。例如:
- Stout columns uphold〔hold〕 up the roof.牢固的柱子支撑着屋顶。
- The building's heavy roof was upheld〔held〕 up by four columns.建筑物沉重的屋顶靠四根柱子支撑着。其区别是:
- 1.uphold常用作引申义,指人对某事的支持、对制度的维护等; hold up几乎不用于比喻义。例如:
- They upheld our opinions.他们支持我们的意见。
- The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.预计最高法院将维持死刑的原判。
- 2.hold up可作“举起 ”解, uphold无此义。例如:
- He held up the map so it could be seen more clearly.他举起地图,这样可以看得更清楚些。
- hold still, keep still
- 这两个短语中hold和keep都用作系动词, still是形容词作表语,在作“坚持不动”解时,两者可互换,只是hold still是美式英语; 而keep still是英式英语。另外, keep still还有“保持沉默”的意思,而hold still则无此义。
- contain,include,embrace,involve,comprehend,hold,comprise
- 这些动词均含有“包括,包含”之意。
- contain普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。强调包容关系。既可指具体有形的东西,也可指抽象无形的东西。
- include普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。
- embrace正式用词,指把某事物纳入整个之中。
- involve指包含因整体的性质决定的成分或结果。所包括的往往是无形的,不可触知的东西,多用作引申。
- comprehend正式用词,指包含在整体范围以内。
- hold常和contain换用。指能够容纳或有足够的容纳量。强调包容能力。
- comprise书面用词,暗指一个整体包括不同部分所组成,可与include交换使用。
believe、clasp、clutch、conduct、consider、contain、detain、grasp、grip、guess、have、hold up、judge、keep、maintain、own、possess、retain、think
let go of、drop