造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、She was rushed offstage while the organizer of a post-pageant news conference called for aid.(她被快速抬到后台,赛后记者会组织人呼叫救护人员。)
2、Nothing offstage was quite real to him: "we only lived when we danced," he said of himself and Fonteyn.(对他来说,舞台之外的东西没有什么是真实的。)
3、just then, one of the production managers came into the hold room and told me it was time to take my position offstage.(就在那时,一个制作人走进准备室,叫我去站在舞台后面,准备上台了。)
4、Forty minutes into her reign(1) as Miss Universe, Miss Puerto Rico Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza collapsed during a post-pageant(2) news conference and was rushed offstage(3) Sunday night.(周日晚上,波多黎各小姐祖丽卡莉芙拉曼朵扎戴上环球小姐桂冠40分钟后晕倒在赛后记者会上,立刻被抬下台。)
5、Andonce readers model a character, it’s only natural that readerswill takepleasure in imagining what that character might do offstage, tonoodlearound with it.(而且一旦读者模仿了一个人物,就会很自然的乐于想象人物在舞台后会做什么,产生随意联想。)
6、The curtain had hardly risen when a shot startled the audience, a scream came from offstage, and the manager rushed out to say the opera would not go on that night.(幕布刚一升起,突然一声枪响把观众吓了一大跳,从后台传来一声尖叫,剧院经理匆匆跑出来说歌剧当晚不上演了。)
7、In the final moments, heavy footsteps are audible offstage.(最终时刻,沉重的步伐从舞台背后传来。)
8、The stars were having an offstage relationship.(这对明星在现实生活中发展出恋情。)
9、Some stood a little forward, others a little behind. Some looked offstage, or at a friend in the audience, or at each other.(有一些往前站多一点,有些往后站一点,有一些往后台望,或望着观众席的一个朋友,或者互相对望,他们之间话不多。)
10、offstage, celebrities do not behave differently from commoners.(在日常生活中,名人与普通人的表现并无不同。)
11、The singing is accomplished by an offstage chorus that also recites the narrative and dialogues.(歌唱部分由舞台后面的合唱队完成,他们同时担任着诵读旁白和对话的任务。)
12、She ran offstage in tears.(她哭着跑下舞台。)
13、We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore .(按照加演的传统做法,我们走到后台后又再次返场。)
14、There was a lot of noise offstage.(后台十分嘈杂。)
15、offstage, another actor is warming up.(台下,还有一名演员在热身。)
16、"The teacher who was in charge... threatened to take me offstage or cut my microphone when she caught wind that I wanted to incorporate a poem," he recalled.(“负责老师威胁说一旦发现我在讲话时想要念诗她就要把我拉下台或者把我的麦克风切断,”他回忆道。)
17、Your performance is all that matters, not what you get offstage.(重要的是你的演出,而不是私生活。)
18、Keenly aware of her public stature, Tan offstage seems slightly guarded.(谭元元非常注意自己的公众形象,台下的她显得有些拘谨。)
19、Leggy models and a child acrobat wait offstage at a pop music concert in Ulaanbaatar.(在乌兰巴托的一场流行音乐会上,长腿模特和一名儿童杂技演员在后台等待。)
20、The offstage manager operates more like a theatrical director.(后台管理者更像是一位戏剧导演。)
21、The paper gives only a sketch of complex and lengthy computations that take place, so to speak, offstage.(这篇文章只是给出了一个框架如何进行复杂冗繁的计算,可以说是上不了台面阿。)
22、Finally, I managed to untangle the microphone from my neck, and I cruised offstage and back into civilian life.(最后,我设法解开纠结在我脖子上的绳子,走下舞台,恢复了平静。)
23、All killing, in fact, occurs offstage.(所有的谋杀,实际上发生在舞台后面。)
24、The hero dies offstage.(剧中主角并非死在台上。)
25、Most have now been booed offstage.(多数银行老板已在一片嘘声中下了台。)
26、offstage, Bieber played with his baseball cap.(而舞台后面,比伯正在玩弄他的棒球帽。)
27、In the venerable tradition of "the Red Shoes," the ballet provides the template for the offstage drama.(从《红菱艳》开始流传下来的宝贵传统,芭蕾舞剧为舞台背后戏剧化的生活提供了样本。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。