专利名称:Method and device for printing with a
uniform printing medium transport distance
发明人:Vanhooydonck, Rudi申请号:EP03101462.4申请日:20030522公开号:EP1479522A1公开日:20041124
摘要:A printing method and apparatus is disclosed for printing an image on a printingmedium by means of a printing head comprising a first number n of marking elements,the method comprising printing the image as a set of N sub-images, N being a number C
of colours used for printing multiplied by a number I of interlacing steps and multipliedby a number P of mutually interstitial printing steps (N = C * I * P), where the number I ofinterlacing steps is greater than 1. Each interlacing step generates an interlaced sub-image, a swath of an interlaced sub-image being printed during a printing pass. There is atleast one linear relative movement between the printing medium and the printing headover a uniform transport distance TD in a slow scan direction between the printing of twosubsequently printed interlaced sub-images. The transport distance TD is uniform for alllinear relative movements and printing is carried out with a subset of the n markingelements, the subset of marking elements being changed after I printing passes.
地址:Septestraat 27 2640 Mortsel BE
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