孙永喜:火力发电机组四大管道系统直缝埋弧焊管的市场需求与研制 火力发电机组四大管道系统 直缝埋弧焊管的市场需求与研制 孙永喜 (上海月月潮集团有限公司,上海201900) 摘要:分析了国内外火力发电机组四大管道系统(主蒸汽管道、再热蒸汽管道热段、再热蒸汽管 道冷段和高压给水管道)应用大直径直缝埋弧焊管的基本情况,阐述了应用压力容器耐高温高合金 钢板制作直缝埋弧焊管的技术条件,按照美国ASME锅炉及压力容器规范标准,利用JCO生产技 术对直缝埋弧焊管进行研制,研制产品经过国家相关专业部门检测,同国外同类产品理化性能质 量一致,价格仅是进口产品的56.5%,可以取代进口产品。直缝埋弧焊管在火电机组四大管道系 统的应用实现了无缝化和国产化目标,可以替代进口埋弧焊管和大直径中壁厚无缝钢管。 关键词:火力发电机组;直缝焊管;双面埋弧焊接 中图分类号:TG335.75 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001—3938(2012)03—0029—07 Market Demand and Research on SAWL Pipe Applied to Four Pipeline Systems of Thermal Power Unit SUN Yong-xi (Shanghai Yueyuechao Group Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201900,China) Abstract:In this article,it analyzed the basic situation of large diameter SAWL pipe applied to four pipeline systems (main steam pipe,heating section of reheated steam pipe,cooling section of reheated steam pipe,and high pressure water supply pipe)of thermal power unit at home and abroad,expatiated technical condition of adopting alloy-steel plate with high temperature resistance to manufacture SAWL pipe.According to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,utilizing JCO technology to study SAWL pipe,the developed products were inspected by China national corresponding specialized department;its quali ̄is at the same level with that of the similar products at abroad.The price of developed products is only 56.5%of that of imported products.SO the developed products can make replacement of the imported products.The application of SAWL pipe in four pipeline systems of thermal power unit realized the aim of china localization and welded pipe instead of seamless pipe,SO it could replace imported SAW pipes and large diameter seamless pipes with medium wall thickness. Key words:thermal power unit;SAWL pipe;double sides submerged arc welding 0前言 建设将主要是发展高效率高参数的超临界(SC) 和超超临界(USC)火力发电机组(简称火电机 组)。从目前世界火力发电技术水平看,提高火 “十二五”期间,全国电力工业投资项目达到 了53 000亿元,到2015年火力发电装机量将达 9.63亿kW,占总发电装机量的70%。火力发电 力发电厂效率的主要途径是提高蒸汽的参数,即 提高蒸汽的压力和温度,其主要关键技术是金属 HAN GUAN \ ・29・