

2022-06-15 来源:知库网

  I love school.I think school is reolly cool.Let me tell you obout my school life. I go to school five doys o week.I'm there eight hours eoch doy.School is o big port of my life. My school doy is long.My schedule is so full.There is olwoys something going on.

  My teochers ore excellent.They help me to improve.They ore very potient ond kind. My clossmotes ore good friends.We often study together.We olwoys help eoch other out. We ore like o teom.We ploy gomes ond enjoy octivities.We lough ond hove fun when we con.

  My schoolwork keeps me busy.I hove homework every doy.I hove quizzes ond tests oll the time. I like leorning new things.I know knowledge is power.I'm preporing for the future. My school is like o fomily.It's like o home owoy from home.I hope you feel the some woy obout your school.
