




Enter your phone number to see if ADSL2+ is available in your area.

Monthly Access
Charge Connection Speeds Monthly
Quota Shaping IP Address Payment
Method Buy

ADSL2+ Xlite $29.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 600MB Free then 15c/MB, max download charge $30# k/k Dynamic CC

ADSL2+ Light $39.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 3GB* k/k Dynamic CC

ADSL2+ Medium $49.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 18GB* 128k/128k Static CC/DD

ADSL2+ Heavy $59.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 30GB* 128k/128k Static CC/DD

ADSL2+ Premium $.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 50GB* 256k/256k Static CC/DD

ADSL2+ Premium Plus $129.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 100GB* 256k/256k Static CC/DD

ADSL2+ with VoIP Plans - 500 minutes free VoIP calls per month^

ADSL2+ /15GB with VoIP $49.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 15GB* 128k/128k Static CC

ADSL2+ /25GB with VoIP $59.99
ADSL2+ Speeds 25GB* 128k/128k Static CC

12 month contract, setup cost of $59.95 18 month contract, setup cost of $0

TPG ADSL2+ plans are paid by Credit Card (CC) or Direct Debit (DD) monthly in advance.
Upload traffic is not counted.

ADSL2+ Speeds: ADSL2+ is the next generation of ADSL broadband with download speeds typically much faster than regular ADSL. Regular ADSL broadband has download speeds between 256kbps and a maximum theoretical speed of 8Mbps.

Majority of our ADSL2+ customers are currently accessing download connection speeds greater than 10Mbps and a small percentage of customers with the optimal combination of physical parameters & equipment could achieve speeds over 20Mbps.

The actual speeds achieved will vary and maybe slower e to a number of factors including distance from your local telephone exchange, network configuration and traffic, the quality of customer copper phone line, EMI, cabling and equipment.

# Speed will be throttled to k/k once 10GB is reached until the start of the next billing month.
* Speed will be throttled to shaping speed once inclusive download quota is reached until the start of the next billing month.
^ Sign up to an eligible TPG broadband and receive 500 free VoIP call minutes for calls to Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, excl. mobile phones. The specified VoIP capable modem/router must be purchased from TPG at the time of registration. Free calls are calculated with a minimum call time of 10 minutes and thereafter in 1 minute increments. TPG will debit customer’s credit card $20 for prepaid call credit to cover calls outside the free calls.

Monthly Access
Charge Connection
Speeds Monthly
Quota Shaping IP Address Payment
Method Buy

Flat Rate Plans
(no excess download charge)

Light 256 $29.95
256k/k 1GB* k/k Dynamic CC

Light 512 $39.95
512k/128k 3GB* k/k Dynamic CC

Medium 1500 $49.95
1500k/256k 8GB* k/k Static CC/DD

Standard 1500 $59.95
1500k/256k 18GB* k/k Static CC/DD

Premium 1500 $69.95
1500k/256k 25GB* k/k Dynamic CC/DD

Premium 8000 $79.95
8000k/384k~ 18GB* k/k Static CC/DD

Premium Plus 8000 $99.95
8000k/384k~ 40GB* k/k Static CC/DD

ADSL with VoIP Plans - 500 minutes free VoIP calls per month^

Medium 1500 + VoIP $49.99
1500k/256k 8GB* k/k Static CC

Premium 1500 + VoIP $69.99
1500k256k 25GB* k/k Dynamic CC

Premium 8000 + VoIP $79.99
8000k/384k~ 18GB* k/k Static CC

6 month contract, setup cost of $59.95

TPG Broadband is available nationwide, excl. Tasmania, subject to availability.
TPG ADSL plans are paid by Credit Card (CC) or Direct Debit (DD) monthly in advance.
Upload traffic is not counted.

~ The actual speeds may vary e to many factors such as your distance from your local telephone exchange, the quality of your copper phone line and broadband equipment.
* Speed will be shaped to k once inclusive download quota is reached until the start of the next billing month.
^ Sign up to an eligible TPG broadband and receive 500 free VoIP call minutes for calls to Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, excl. mobile phones. The specified VoIP capable modem/router must be purchased from TPG at the time of registration. Free calls are calculated with a minimum call time of 10 minutes and thereafter in 1 minute increments. TPG will debit customer’s credit card $20 for prepaid call credit to cover calls outside the free calls.

Plans with VoIP calls require specified VoIP capable modem/router to be purchased from TPG.

Modem/Routers Price #

1 Ethernet Port ADSL2/2+ Modem (includes one Micro Filter) $69.95 + $10 delivery fee# More
1 USB Port & 1 Ethernet Port Combo ADSL2/2+ Modem (includes one Micro Filter) $.95 + $10 delivery fee# More
4 Port ADSL2/2+ Router (includes one Micro Filter) $99.95 + $10 delivery fee# More
Wireless 4 Port ADSL2/2+ Router (includes one Micro Filter) $159.95 + $10 delivery fee# More
Wireless 4 Port ADSL2/2+ Router with VoIP (includes one Central Filter) $199.95 + $10 delivery fee# More

#Modem / Router delivery is optional. A $10 fee applies if not collected from 65 Waterloo Rd. North Ryde NSW 2113.

Free spam filter and virus protection
Free email accounts and webspace
Back-up dialup connection with every broadband plan

Monthly Access Charge

Monthly access charge is the monthly subscription fee for your plan. This charge does not include excess download and other additional charges. Monthly access charge is paid by Credit Card (CC) or Direct Debit (DD) monthly in advance.

ADSL2+ Speeds

ADSL2+ is the next generation of ADSL broadband with download speeds typically much faster than regular ADSL. Regular ADSL broadband has download speeds between 256kbps and a maximum theoretical speed of 8Mbps.

Majority of our ADSL2+ customers are currently accessing download connection speeds greater than 10Mbps and a small percentage of customers with the optimal combination of physical parameters & equipment could achieve speeds over 20Mbps.

The actual speeds achieved will vary and maybe slower e to a number of factors including distance from your local telephone exchange, network configuration and traffic, the quality of customer copper phone line, EMI, cabling and equipment.

Download Quota

Download Quota means the amount of data you can download ring a one billing month. Unused allowance is forfeited.


Once the specified monthly download quota is reached, download speed is reced to the "shaping" speed until the end of the billing month. Shaping allows you to download even when you go over monthly download quota and protect you from unexpected excess download charges.

Free VoIP Calls

Sign up to an eligible TPG broadband and receive a certain number of free VoIP call minutes for calls to Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, excl. mobile phones. VoIP Free Minutes offers expire at the end of a Customer's Initial Contract Period, unless otherwise specified for their plan. Free calls are calculated with a minimum call time of 10 minutes and thereafter in 1 minute increments. On registration, TPG will debit customer’s credit card $20 for prepaid call credit to cover calls outside the free calls.

ADSL Equipment
System Requirements
ADSL Additional Pricing


大概在300-500 间!
