许可经营项目:Licensed to sell:
零售图书 retail books、期刊 periodical magazines、电子出版物 electonic publication、保健药品 health care medicine、音像制品 audio and video procts、烟 ciggerrates and tobaccos;制售中餐(含冷荤凉菜)ready cooked Chinese meals(inculding cold meat and cold vegetables)、裱花蛋糕 decorated cakes、面包 bread、糕点 pastry;美容美发 beauty salon;销售保健食品 sales of healthy food procts、散装食品(含熟食品、水产品、鲜肉;现场制售;寿司)、loose food procts (including hot foods, seafoods, fresh meat, made to your order and shusi)乳制品(含婴幼儿配方乳粉)dairy procts(including infant formulated milk powder)。
一般经营项目:General sale items:
销售百货 sales of general goods、针纺织品knitwears and textiles、五金交点 hardware、海马、玳瑁制品 seahorse and turtle shell procts、工艺美术品(不含字画)arts and
crafts (not including pictures and paintings);零售内销黄金饰品domestic retail gold jewelry、白银视频silver video、劳动保护一般用品general manual work protection procts;零售两轮摩托车 retail two wheels motor cycles、机械电器设备electric machine equipment、花卉 flowers and plants、手持移动电话 mobile phones、无绳电话 cordless telephones、遥控玩具 remote control toys、无线话筒 cordless microphone、儿童玩具 children's toys、对讲机 walkie talkies;验光配镜 optician;服装加工tailoring and alterlations;设计、制作、代理发布国内外广告domestic and foreign advertisement design, proction and agency;出租商业用房commercial properties letting and leasing;收购黄金制品 gold purchasing。
Licensing business projects: retail books, periodicals, electronic publications, medicine, audio and video procts, smoke; These Chinese food (including LengHun cold dish), decorating cakes, bread, pastry, Beauty salon; Sales of health food procts, bulk food (including deli, aquatic procts, fresh meat, live life; sushi), dairy procts (including infant formula powder). General management project: sales department stores, needles textiles, hardware node, hippocampus, tortoise shell procts, arts and crafts (excluding calligraphy and painting); Domestic retail gold jewelry, silver video, labor protection supplies; Two wheel motorcycle retail, machinery electrical equipment, flowers, handheld mobile phones, cordless phones, remote control toys, wireless microphone, children's toys, walkie-talkies; The optometry glasses; Garment processing; Design, proction, release agent domestic and foreign advertisements; Lease commercial housing; Buy gold procts.
Licensed items of business:retailofbooks, periodicals,electronic publications,health drugs,audio and video procts, smoke;makingandsellingChinesefood(includingcold meatdish),decorative cakes, bread, cookie;beautysalons;salesofhealth food,bulk food(includingcookedfood, aquatic procts,meat;sitemanufacturing and selling;sushi), dairy procts(includinginfant formula milk powder).
General items of business:sell ofmerchandises, textiles, hardware and electrical equipments,
seahorses,sea turtle procts,arts and crafts(excludingcalligraphy);retaildomesticgold jewelry, silver,video, labor protection andgeneral supplies;retailmotorcycle,machinery and electrical equipment,flowers,hand-heldmobile phones,cordless phones,remote control toys,wireless microphones,children's toys,walkie-talkie;optometry for eyeglasses;garment processing;design,proction,agency and release ofdomestic and foreign advertising ;rentalof commercial space;acquisitionofgold procts.