发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 02:02
热心网友 时间:2023-07-08 01:22
在很多人眼里,电脑游戏就是玩,玩物丧志,所以电脑游戏曾经一度被视为洪水猛兽,就是现在在很多人眼里,它始终还是不入流的。最近,Ubi Soft 宣布与LB&BAssociates Inc.达成协议,准许采用《彩虹六号:正义之矛》(Rogue Spear)的游戏引擎帮助训练美军。在双方达成这次协议后,美国国防部将可采用该游戏引擎来训练军事人员如何进行在闹市内的军事活动,而协议为期约6个月。
据其他传闻透露,美国国防部亦曾经采用过在中国地区引起争议的《Doom》(毁灭战士)引擎来训练海军陆战队,记得那款游戏在中国差点让电脑游戏背上永世不得翻身的骂名。在我的记忆中,《S t r i k eCommander》(陆空战将)绝对是一款制作精良的飞行模拟游戏,而在很多地方,甚至至今都没有超越者诞生。而在当时,就有报导说,这款游戏的另一个专业引擎版本是美国空军的模拟舱软件,而《Strike Commander》也几乎是电脑游戏业最为难得的一个如此卖座如此叫好却没有续篇的作品。在传说中,Origin(游戏制造商)被禁止制作更精良更专业的飞行模拟引擎,因为它可能会提升他国在军事飞行模拟方面的水平,而事实上,Origin另一个同时代的系列《Wing Commander》(银河战将)已经推出到第六代作品了,这是款模拟未来战机的游戏,而不是模拟F16战斗机。
其实在美国,更有传言美国总统布什在业余时间最爱玩《CounterStrike》,虽然以上传闻未经证实,但却间接地带出一个讯息,就是电脑游戏并非有害无益,其中存在很多有益成分,关键是如何发掘。当然,除了跟军事的联系,电脑游戏也能展现文化和历史。日本光荣公司一直将寓教于乐当作一个制作历史游戏的目标,《三国志英杰传》无疑是其中最成功的作品,以致我不得不这样猜想: 我是读三国书认识三国的,现在的少年是看三国电视剧和卡通来接触三国的,而未来的一代将通过玩三国游戏而认识三国。尽管让我多少有些惆怅,但我也不知道这是一种进步还是退步。
最近又一款电脑游戏被媒体怀疑向文学巨匠打主意,Microids 的3D即时策略游戏《War and Peace》(战争与和平),虽然并没有明言是改编自Leo Tolstoy(列夫.托尔斯泰)的同名巨著,不过游戏的背景和小说同样设定在War of Independenceto the Napoleonic Wars(拿破仑远征俄罗斯)的时期,而且部分已知情的欧洲传媒在用那部著名的电影巨片的图片作宣传,由此可见该游戏的确和原著有着血缘关系。
其实电脑游戏涉足这些巨作也有自己的很多优势,比如电脑游戏能让玩家来选择一些比较有争议的结局,甚至用比较浪漫的方式来重写历史(如《三国志英杰传》),毕竟这曾经是中国玩家少年时读三国的梦。不过如果要争论电脑游戏是害大于益还是益大于害,那就非常麻烦了,比如最近在电玩业闹得沸沸扬扬的一场争论就是如此。事情的起因是一份来自日本的研究指出,经常长时间玩游戏会直接阻碍儿童脑部发展,而很快各欧洲游戏厂商即就此报告而联合发出反对声音,并以更多的研究调查报告来推翻对方的研究结果,声言游戏不但无害,而且是有益身心的活动。由各大游戏厂商组成的欧洲娱乐软件发行商协会(The EuropeanLeisure Software PublishersAssociation)发言人Roger Bennett认为,由日本都北大学公布的研究报告是非常片面和肤浅的,因为这项研究报告并未包括游戏对儿童的正面影响的研究内容,所以对游戏业界是不公平的,并认为这个报告结果将会令游戏厂商成为被*批评指责的对象,大大打击了游戏从业者的士气。Roger Bennett又指出,负责该研究报告的川岛博士并未深入分析过计算机游戏的内容,因为其实不少游戏都含有不少训练技术、合作性、脑部思考和记忆力的元素存在,绝对带有不少教育意义,而并非对方所指的有害无益。
协会又引述Central Lancashire大学和曼彻斯特大学的研究院所得出的研究报告结果,证实参与计算机游戏能有助儿童生理、心理和社交方面的发展,能提高儿童对运动项目的参与性与投入性,而透过共同参与计算机游戏,更多增进儿童与家人和朋友间的沟通。
热心网友 时间:2023-07-08 01:22
My favorite Computer Game
I’m a real crazy fun of computer games. I almost love every game which is interesting, challenging and ecative. From among all the games I have played and been playing, I love CS (Counter Strike) best!
The first time I saw people playing this game was in 2000, when I was in a shopping center in Singapore. My girlfriend was busy searching the new fashionable clothes while I was a bit bored. There was a new internet bar where quite a number of people were playing some kinds of games. I stood outside of the window and watched them playing for a while. From the screen of the computer, I could only see the weapons, such as: pistols, rifles and machineguns. I even saw a sniper gun! And I saw a hand, changing weapons rapidly and frequently. It was nice to see an aim circle too in the screen. The cops were fighting against the terrorists in the game, and who won the round would have more money to buy better weapons. I was told this game has a name: Counter Strike.
I was not interested in playing the game at first. But I thought it was not bad for me to learn something about the military knowledge. So I decided to try this game. “Jesus”, said I when I opened the buying list. There were so many weapons to buy that I had no idea which to buy. Lucky I understand the English commends of the game, so I could follow the instructions. For several times I was shot on the head by my enemies when I was stilling busy buying my armor and weapons. Finally I got a chance to attack an enemy from his behind; I pressed the mouse so hard that I saw fires bursting out from my MP5. Then the fellow turned over and give me a single shot, and I dead. The worse but funny part was: I did not hurt him at all! No bullet had got the target!
There are so many skills and knowledge for you to know and master. If you want to be a smooth and skillful CS player, you need to practice a lot. I play CS everyday, for about 2 hours. I like to use B46 and Ak47, because these two weapons are really powerful, especially the B46. One shot one life, mentioning the B46, is no bullshitting in this game!
Tell me your favorite game and I would like to have a discussion with you here.