发布网友
共1个回答
热心网友
hi~girl
you
know
what
~i
just
found
my
girl
and
there
is
the
only
one
for
me,please
tell
her
if
you
meet
i
have
major
crush
on
her
,and
i
set
my
heart
on
love
of
she.
but
if
she
is
here,just
say
yes
and
then
give
me
one
of
the
most
sweet
smile
hi~
女孩你知道吗,我找到了我的女孩,我唯一的女孩,如果遇到她请你告诉她,我很喜欢她,我渴望得到她的爱,
但是如果她在这里,就请说yes
,然后再给我一个最甜美的微笑
我自己都觉得鸡皮疙瘩掉满地...纯属原创